π To One Million Decimal Places

This gets its own page, since it's over a MB (though not quite a MiB) of text. Many thanks to this site for the digits. I didn't get permission from them since I couldn't find contact info on their site, but I think digits of π are in the public domain. I hope I don't have the same issues with overloaded servers (especially since they'ren't mine) as them.

Also notice that this π, unlike my source, does not have line breaks and spaces to make it align nicely. Instead, I use the CSS word-wrap: break-word; property. It was a real pain getting rid of the newlines and spaces. I ended up using gedit to remove the spaces (search and replace with nothing in the replace box), nano's (Linux program) justify feature (nano -r10000000 pi.txt then Ctrl-J then Ctrl-O), and lastly cat pi.txt | sed 's/ //g' > pi-no-spaces.txt. It was a pain figuring out. I believe there's a way to use sed to do it all in one step, but I couldn't figure it out in the limited time I devoted to the task.

If you look at the URL of this page and the source, you'll see that I'm using the actual π character. This is possible only because this site is encoded in UTF-8.

It's also interesting to note that none of my GUI text editors can handle displaying π in one line - they all show several numbers overlapped.

In any case, here it is.


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